Delivery Services
A.C. Miller has a wide range of delivery and setting capabilities. From our heavy duty Erkin Crane Boom Truck to our flatbed delivery vehicles, we can safely and reliably transport and set our precast concrete products.
Delivery Vehicle Capacities:
- Boom Truck #1 Net Legal Load – 22,000 lbs.
- Book Truck #2 Net Legal Load – 35,000 lbs.
Installation Information
The installation of vaults requires that the customer provide the excavation in which to lower the individual components into place. The excavation must allow for overall assembled height of vault plus added height of risers, cast covers, etc., and bedding material consisting of 4″ to 12″ of stable base material.
The vault is assembled as each section is lowered into the excavation. First, the base section is lowered, leveled, and firmly positioned. Then subsequent sections are lowered and assembled.
The seal surfaces between sections must be clean and the gaskets must be in place. Excavation hole must not contain water when setting vault.
Knockouts are provided in various locations in sufficient number to meet the majority of requirements. Knockouts are easily removed by striking in the center with a hammer or other similar tool. A single moderately heavy blow will give better results than numerous light blows. Many contractors use a concrete cutting saw in the field to make the appropriate pipe opening.

Backfill around all vaults should be of a good compacting material such as pea gravel, sand, or select backfill material. In no case shall the material be saturated soil, or contain large rocks or chunks. No voids should remain between the vault walls and native soil of excavation. Backfilling should not be done until vault is completely assembled. Make certain the backfill is compacted progressively from the bottom to the top of the surface.
All grouting of risers, covers, conduit or specific sections of vaults is the responsibility of the customer and/or contractor. A recommended cement grout consists of two parts sand and one part cement and sufficient water to form a plastic slurry. Apply in a manner to insure filling of all voids in the joint being sealed.
Vaults are designed for H-20 loading unless otherwise specified. Soil cover for vaults shall be between 5’-0” (maximum) and top of vault at finished grade (minimum). If the soil cover does not fall within this range or the water table is less than 5’-0” below finished grade (4ft, 3ft, etc.), or if loading exceeds H-20, our company needs to be contacted to evaluate the vault for structural buoyancy purposes.